1. On the Oracle server create a mount to the location in which the backups will be stored. In this case, a Windows share will be used to write the backups.
# mkdir -p /mnt/serverName
# mount -t cifs //serverName/shareName /mnt/serverName -o username=windowsUser,password=windowsPassword
2. Edit /etc/fstab to mount during startup.
# more fstab
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 / ext3 defaults 1 1
LABEL=/boot /boot ext3 defaults 1 2
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 swap swap defaults 0 0
//serverName/shareName /mnt/serverName cifs username=windowsUsername,password=windowsPassword 0 0
3. In the Oracle user's home directory create two directories, Scripts and Backups. The Scripts directory will host the Python script used to automate the commands, the Backups directory will host the backups locally for seven days.
$ pwd
$ ls -l
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 May 26 13:28 Backups
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 26 09:47 Desktop
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 May 26 13:28 Scripts
4. Ensure Python 3 has been installed.
$ python3 --version
Python 3.1.2
5. Create the following Python 3 scripts in the Oracle user's Scripts directory. The script will do the following:
- Execute the expdp to run a full export.
expdp '/ as sysdba' directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile=fileNamePrefix.dmp logfile=fileNamePrefix_expdp.log full=y
- Move the dump and log files to the Backups directory in the Oracle user's home.
mv /opt/oracle/admin/orcl/dpdump/fileNamePrefix* /home/oracle/Backups/
- Compress the backup.
tar cvfj /home/oracle/Backups/fileNamePrefix.tbz2 /home/oracle/Backups/fileNamePrefix.dmp /home/oracle/Backups/fileNamePrefix_expdp.log
- Once compressed, remove the original dump and log files.
rm /home/oracle/Backups/fileNamePrefix.dmp /home/oracle/Backups/fileNamePrefix_expdp.log
- Copy the files to the network drive using rsync. The destination directory will be in the format of YYYY-MM.
rsync -avz --no-o --no-g --no-p --no-t /home/oracle/Backups/ /mnt/serverName/`date +%Y-%m`
- Go through the local Backups directory and remove the backups which are older than seven days.
- Send an email showing the status of the commands.
- Log all actions taken. The log file will be created as scriptName.log located in the same directory of the the script itself.
import datetime
import time
import os
import re
import sys
import smtplib
class RunCommand():
def __init__(self):
# Write the log in the same directory as the script. Logname will be ScriptName.log
self.f = open(str(sys.path[0] + "/" + re.sub('\.py(c)?','.log',os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))),'a')
self.logger("Initializing", "Started")
# Get the current time and set the fileprefix.
now = datetime.datetime.now()
self.timestr = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss")
self.fileprefix = "orcl_full_expdp_" + self.timestr
self.dpdumpdir = "/opt/oracle/admin/orcl/dpdump/"
self.backupsdir = "/home/oracle/Backups/"
# Build Data Pump Full Export command. Need to initially set environment variables.
self.expdpcmd = "source /home/oracle/.bash_profile; "
self.expdpcmd += "expdp \\'/ as sysdba\\' directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile="
self.expdpcmd += self.fileprefix
self.expdpcmd += ".dmp logfile="
self.expdpcmd += self.fileprefix
self.expdpcmd += "_expdp.log full=y"
# Build Move Command
self.movecmd = "mv " + self.dpdumpdir + self.fileprefix + "* " + self.backupsdir
# Build Compress Command
self.compresscmd = "tar cvfj " + self.backupsdir + self.fileprefix
self.compresscmd += ".tbz2 " + self.backupsdir + self.fileprefix
self.compresscmd += ".dmp " + self.backupsdir + self.fileprefix + "_expdp.log"
# Remove the dmp and log files as they have been compress into the tgz file.
self.removecmd = "rm " + self.backupsdir + self.fileprefix
self.removecmd += ".dmp " + self.backupsdir + self.fileprefix + "_expdp.log"
# Rsync command.
self.rsynccmd = "rsync -avz --no-o --no-g --no-p --no-t " + self.backupsdir + " /mnt/serverName/`date +%Y-%m`"
self.status = {}
self.status['expdpcmd'] = -1
self.status['movecmd'] = -1
self.status['compresscmd'] = -1
self.status['removecmd'] = -1
self.status['rsynccmd'] = -1
self.status['removeOldBackups'] = []
# Setup Email
self.smtpserver = 'mail.company.com'
self.sender = 'david@company.com'
self.receivers = ['david@company.com']
self.emailheader = "From: David\n"
self.emailheader += "To: David\n"
self.emailheader += "Subject: OracleBackup: orcl\n\n"
self.logger("Initializing", "Finished")
def logger(self,section,action,msg=""):
self.f.write(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,") + section + "," + action + "," + msg + "\n")
def run(self):
# Run the commands only if the previous commands were successful.
self.logger("Running", "Started")
self.logger("expdpcmd", "Started", str(self.expdpcmd))
self.status['expdpcmd'] = os.system(self.expdpcmd)
self.logger("expdpcmd", "Finished", str(self.status['expdpcmd']))
if self.status['expdpcmd'] == 0:
self.logger("movecmd", "Started", str(self.movecmd))
self.status['movecmd'] = os.system(self.movecmd)
self.logger("movecmd", "Finished", str(self.status['movecmd']))
if self.status['movecmd'] == 0:
self.logger("compresscmd", "Started", str(self.compresscmd))
self.status['compresscmd'] = os.system(self.compresscmd)
self.logger("compresscmd", "Finished", str(self.status['compresscmd']))
if self.status['compresscmd'] == 0:
self.logger("removecmd", "Started", str(self.removecmd))
self.status['removecmd'] = os.system(self.removecmd)
self.logger("removecmd", "Finished", str(self.status['removecmd']))
self.logger("Running", "Finished", str(self.status))
def rsyncFiles(self):
self.logger("Synchronizing", "Started")
self.logger("rsynccmd", "Started", str(self.rsynccmd))
self.status['rsynccmd'] = os.system(self.rsynccmd)
self.logger("rsynccmd", "Finished", str(self.status['rsynccmd']))
self.logger("Synchronizing", "Finished", str(self.status))
def removeOldBackups(self):
self.logger("BackupCleanup", "Started")
# Remove local backup files which are over 7 days old only if the synchronization job ran.
if self.status['rsynccmd'] == 0:
for file in os.listdir(self.backupsdir):
filetime = os.path.getmtime(self.backupsdir + file)
currenttime = time.time()
fileage = currenttime - filetime
if fileage > 604800:
os.unlink(self.backupsdir + file)
self.logger("BackupCleanup", "Failed Removing", str(self.backupsdir + file))
self.status['removeOldBackups'].append([str(self.backupsdir + file),"Failed"])
self.logger("BackupCleanup", "Success Removing", str(self.backupsdir + file))
self.status['removeOldBackups'].append([str(self.backupsdir + file),"Success"])
self.logger("BackupCleanup", "Finished", str(self.status['removeOldBackups']))
self.logger("BackupCleanup", "Finished", "No backups removed due to synchronization failure!")
def sendStatusEmail(self):
self.logger("SendingEmail", "Started")
self.message = self.emailheader + "Oracle Data Pump Backup: " + self.timestr + "\n"
self.message += "\nCommand Status:\n"
for s in self.status:
if s != 'removeOldBackups':
self.message += "\t" + s + ": "
if self.status[s] == 0:
self.message += "Success\n"
elif self.status[s] == -1:
self.message += "NOP\n"
self.message += "Failed\n"
self.message += "\nOld Backup Removal:\n"
for f in self.status['removeOldBackups']:
self.message += "\t" + f[1] + " removing backup file: " + f[0] + "\n"
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtpserver)
smtpObj.sendmail(self.sender, self.receivers, self.message)
except SMTPException:
self.logger("SendingEmail", "Finished", "Failed to send email!")
self.logger("SendingEmail", "Finished", str(self.status))
rc = RunCommand()
6. Use cron to execute the Python script every morning at 1:00 AM. Login as the oracle user and add the job to the oracle user's crontab file.
- Issue the following command to start the default editor to add the job.
$ crontab -e
- Add the following line then save and quit.
0 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/python3 /home/oracle/Scripts/OracleBackup.py
- List the jobs.
$ crontab -l
0 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/python3 /home/oracle/Scripts/OracleBackup.py
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